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Current username: LilacsAndStone, and Lilacs-And-Stone.

Previous usernames: Opal-Kittens, OpalKittens, Lilacatz and Blackittyz.

Nicknames: Lila and Vivi.

Birthday: August 14

Favorite colors: Purple, Lavender, and Black.

Favorite animal: Cats

Favorite Season: Autumn

Outfits and Color variations of my internet sona

Internet Backstory

I began my online journey on neopets. I remember being obsessed with The Darkest Faerie. But as usual I was too late to the event so I couldn't do her quests. Also I once opened a neopets store and boldly claimed it was the best shop on neopets. Just cause I had added some gifs to it lol. Someone commented "but you only have three items". Ah, isn't childhood fun?

My next core memory is playing the game Haunting Ground. It was a bootleg copy, the game is quite rare unfortunately. That became my personality for a very long time. As I looked for more info on my beloved game I stumbled upon a fan forum called Something Lacking.

I met so many awesome people in Something Lacking, some who are still my friends till today. I followed them to DeviantArt. And another chapter began. I got into 3D art using a program called XNAlara (now XPS). I published lots of fanart and model mods under the name of Lilacatz. I met more lovely friends during this time.

Eventually a handful of things made me restart under the name of Opal-Kittens. I focused on digital art and abandoned 3D fanart. I’m sure interesting things happened but I can’t recall.

After the unfortunate passing of one of my beloved cats I decided to get rid of the cat theme in my username in a fit of grief. So I finally landed with the name of LilacsAndStone. 

I try to take things easy and only draw for me and my handful of beloved friends. I'm available for commissions though.

Background Music: End of a Small Sanctuary - Akira Yamaoka.